NEIU Graduates at Commencement Ceremony

The Assessment division provides assistance to academic programs to assess student learning. Assistance spans the full assessment cycle from developing or refining program goals and learning outcomes, to planning assessment, to collecting assessment data, to using the data to guide changes in curriculum and instruction. The Assessment division is home to many resources to help at each stage of the assessment cycle. 

March 2023 News/Updates

In 2021, Academic Affairs was notified by the vendor, Watermark Insights, that the software application Tk20 will reach its end of life and will no longer be supported. As a result, Northeastern is transitioning to Watermark Insights to replace the functionality of Tk20 beginning in Fall 2023.  

The transition to Watermark Insights includes upgrades to its assessment management system in order to maintain the University鈥檚 robust assessment processes. Watermark鈥檚 new suite of applications will be the sole assessment management system for Northeastern by Summer 2024 with some applications already being phased in during the past few months

The new Watermark Suite also includes a Faculty Success module for faculty to develop portfolios for retention, tenure, promotion and professional advancement increases. Targeted communications and information sessions will be used to inform individuals and/or programs who will be directly impacted by this upgrade. Faculty Success for faculty portfolios as well as Planning & Self Study for annual assessment reports and program review will be discussed with appropriate individuals later this spring semester.

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